Monday, May 22, 2023

Cold weekend

Another weekend of icy winds - I went down to the beach which was lovely for about an hour and a half until 10 am ... when the wind got up and it clouded over. So I went for walks nice and early both days. I could have swum because the water is still a reasonable temperature but it's hard to get excited about a swim when it's not warm enough to take your jumper off. There were a lot of surfers but not much surf.

Here is the sun glinting horizontally towards the horizon in the exact artistically approved fashion. Just dry brush a bit of white over your sea and bobs your uncle. Except for me when it would look like someone sneezed cotton wool on a blue blanket.

And this would be super easy too, just scumbling some white on the edge of the water. So it looks like waves. Hah. I have to stop watching people make art on tiktok - anything that can be done in 90 seconds is not a realistic goal. 

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