Thursday, May 30, 2024


On the weekend it was the NSW Scale Modellers Show 2024 down at Wollongong so my husband and I went for a day trip on Saturday - him to see the little models of things and try not to buy more books, kits and tools - and me to go to the art gallery and do a little light shopping. It's about a three-hour highway drive each way, so a long day but not ridiculous.

It was very cold and foggy when we left Canberra but Wollongong was lovely and sunny. The art gallery is in a cool art deco building and the art was good - not a huge display but with several excellent exhibitions that I really enjoyed, including one of landscapes of the Illawarra (local region) that mixed up new art with various older bits they'd dragged out of the basement, including a few nineteenth century watercolours that I peered at closely. There weren't that many people there, so I got to do some slow peering and pitiless judging. 

This is probably my favourite of all the 'local landscape' works. There were quite a few by this artist and the wonderful confidence of leaving out half of the substance of a person and what that does to the landscape ... I was in awe. The artist's name is Euan Macleod and he is originally from NZ, like all good things.

Someone had done eggs! They are a fit subject for art after all. She had put them in with a heap of grocery-related works. Nice.

I had a cafe lunch, bought some cardies and some new sheets, went back to the model show for a look around, and then we drove home. Nice day out for the 50-something crowd... On Sunday I went for my long walk and the fog was just starting to lift. It was freezing.

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