Friday, May 17, 2024

Retro fashion

I must have been inspired by the colours of the autumn leaves, because I wore a shirt to lunch with friends that I think I wore every day in the early 1990s. I loved it so much that it still hangs in my wardrobe, despite not having had an outing for at least 30 years. 

Flowers! What is not to like. Despite having worn it so much there is little photo evidence - never a party shirt as such - but here is one with my oldest niece, so that dates it probably mid-1992.

And here is my other retro purchase - new shoes, but based very much on the white Reeboks that I desperately wanted in the mid 1980s but could never have afforded. They were about $200 back then I think - out of the question. 

These ones were only $70, and clearly not the same quality, and also targeted at old people like me :) But I like them and I like wearing them ... giving my inner 14 year old a present she probably didn't deserve (she was a bit of a pain, on reflection :)


  1. Funny eh, how some fashions we couldn't possibly wear because we remember the first, second, third time they came round, and others we just need to have because we didn't have them those other times.
    And I love how there are family photos that I've never seen, that's a good one.

  2. And you still fit the shirt!
