Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Such rain

I went down to the beach on Thursday night - to work from home on Friday and maybe get a beach walk in - and it rained from the second I arrived until Sunday afternoon. And not just the occasional shower or a bit of drizzle - it was solid rain with occasional really heavy rain. Which is good for my work productivity but not good for exercise or even possibly getting a swim in. 

This is from Sunday afternoon before I left. The ocean was very brown with a big swell which meant lots of wave foam. I quite like it - it's not pollution, just organic things that have come down the rivers then make a soup that can be stirred up into foam.  So one little walk, but lots of sewing, and several items that I might actually wear! I'll take a photo when I do.

This little fellow gave me a hell of a scare when I opened up the extractor fan - I think he must have come down the vent from the outside. I don't mind lizards really but it was quite large and very speedy. I tried to shoo him into a tub but he dropped to the floor and took off behind the kitchen cabinets ... where he probably still is.

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