Thursday, May 9, 2024

Autumn leaves

Every year I do this because every year I am amazed by how lovely the trees are. When we were away it went from early autumn to late autumn in a week, so I took some photos while it was still lasting. This is from my walk around the lake on the weekend. It was grey and cold but still good to stretch the legs.

Here you have two police cars stopping a busy road - you can't see in this picture but the queue of Sunday traffic on the left went for a very long way. And in the other direction, a forlorn truck slowly and unsuccessfully backing up. And then unsuccessfully trying to turn over the median strip (too steep). 

I think at some point after the off-ramp the truck realised it couldn't fit under the bridge at the far right, and called the police. Which is better than taking out the bridge I guess, but chaos ensued. When I came back over the bridge two hours later it had all cleared, but it was probably the most exciting thing that happened on a Canberra road that morning :)

The lake, uninviting but pretty. I would like to try and paint that but I'm not doing very well with landscapes. I still need the straight lines of buildings and things.

This is the sports oval by the primary school that they turned into a hospital at the start of 2020 and are slowly returning to being a sports oval. The buildings and carparks have gone and they are re-turfing and re-seeding now. A slow process but it will be nice when it's done (it was a bit scrappy before anyway). At least they kept all the perimeter trees, which are the most wonderful yellow.

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