Tuesday, May 21, 2024

New handbag

After carefully researching for months, and lifting about every bag in the Sydney CBD, I bought a bag online one Friday night after a couple of glasses of wine based on a random TikTok. I don't know why it came up on my For You page, but it did, and so I went to the website and ordered myself a yellow bag with wooden handles and a long strap from a small Melbourne maker.

It is very pretty and I am very happy with it - it is a good size, can fit a heap in it, and it's a lovely colour. 

The owner did a follow up TikTok where she packed it on her kitchen bench to send to me (very small company) and I can confirm that it was beautifully packaged in a dust bag, in tissue paper, with little stickers, and a very lovely box. 

I enjoyed unpacking it and I have enjoyed carrying it around ... although the long leather strap is the wrong shade of brown to my eyes, so I've ordered a couple of plain black ones from Amazon and we'll see if I like those better. 

I do like mustard,  although the bag is officially 'turmeric', which is probably more accurate. Here is the cat 'helping' us change the mustard/turmeric sheets. 

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