Sunday, May 19, 2024

More Norfolk Island pictures

Here's some more of these, probably the last to be honest, so I didn't quite fill my sketchbook. But it was good fun, both to do there and then to do at home from photos, like a lovely reminder of the holiday. Here's something historic, with a disintegrating boat. The colours are quite muted, which is fine, but when you paint it it looks a bit dull.

Here is when we went to lunch on Anzac Day at the RSL. I think at this point I'd decided to brighten the colours up to what I thought they should be.

This is one of the historic houses that we went into - fascinating - and quite lovely. It looks back over the ocean, so would have been very pleasant, in the intervals between violent penal colony / isolated hell-hole / involuntary re-location etc. 

And this is the privy out the back - perhaps not so pleasant. I was trying to paint the stones / bricks / concrete, which are really cool colours and shapes. I did not succeed, but it was fun trying.

This is a different technique, where you use a non-waterproof pen to do the sketch, then a wet brush to create shadows and darkness from the lines, where you want them. Clearly I have not yet mastered this technique - some bad smudges! - but it gives a whole different edge to both the lines and the shadows. I might play more.

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