Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Sydney again

I had another couple of days in Sydney last week for work - always good to see something different! I do enjoy so many parts of my job; especially when it involves visiting two distilleries, a paper recycling plant and a factory that makes lab-grown meat! Absolutely fascinating, of course we had tastings, although we had to sign a waiver because it's not approved for sale in Australia yet :)

We finished up our visiting day in the Rocks, just about right under the Harbour Bridge. It was a perfect Sydney winter's day - cool but sunny, people settling in for drinks. It can be a lovely place if you ignore the people and traffic and noise. 

I'm not allowed to put alcohol on my work credit card so I take the opportunity to order whatever mocktails are on offer ... this is a 'vietnamese flag' and it was delicious. And probably better for me than a glass of wine. 

Work does also like to go a bit budget with the hotel - but there is absolutely no excuse for this! Why would you? Who wants this? It took me about ten minutes to figure out how to turn it off but then the cleaners re-enabled it the next day! Why?????

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