Friday, August 26, 2022

Faces, with science

I was getting frustrated with my pointy-nosed people because I couldn't get them looking in different directions with any degree of accuracy. They just looked mutant, and not staring towards the horizon, or whatever. So I bit the bullet and welcomed some science in, with planes of the face, and lines on spheres, and that sort of nonsense.

Luckily there are many many tutorials on the internet for drawing people with movement; mostly comics or manga or graphic artists. And everyone is completely amazing and skilful and very good at breaking down how to do it for yourself.

Like all of this art malarkey the concept is super simple and the execution is fiendishly complicated. Faces are both very flexible and very susceptible to the uncanny valley of almost-human. They can easily look very wrong indeed. I got fed up after an hour or two (on the sofa, near the fire, not so bad) and retreated to my happy place of doodling. Feathers (quilting patterns!) and swoops and circles and lines.

So then I thought, why not combine the two! This could be my signature move, faces peeping out from feathery doodles.

NO NO WRONG TURN GO BACK ... that is just creepy


  1. Creepy but rather fetching! Pam

  2. You might look up Alphonse Mucha - Czech art nouveau. We had a talk about his work - he designed stamps among lots of other things like wallpaper. The picture reminded me.
