Monday, August 22, 2022

All over the place

The painting does go in random directions. We learn about different things in the classes, then I get despondent about how dreadful I am, so find comfort in something trashy on Youtube or Tiktok, then go back to the classes, and repeat. I think if I stayed on one style - like botanicals or something - I would get better, and the leaping about isn't helping. But I still do it. So this is a landscape, to learn proper things properly, wet on wet, aerial perspective, skies etc.

Not good. I had to go and do some Tiktok jellyfish after that. 

The flowers from the good lessons were a bit better, although this is about the third version of the painting I did, the others were quite strange. Definitely 'fantasy flowers' i.e. not found in nature, although I think a resemblance to a hibiscus? Perhaps?

I then did a one-colour blurry landscape to make myself feel better. It didn't need so much brush control. 

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