Monday, July 3, 2023

Weekend at home

I had one of those weekends where little things just kept going wrong ... I dropped my hairbrush in the toilet, I didn't sterilise enough jars for the preserved lemons so had to start over, the sunscreen exploded all over the wall, my paintings looked dreadful and people were just irritating me beyond measure. I got halfway through my walk and couldn't be bothered any more so hired one of those electric scooters again to take me most of the way home ... which was actually an awesome dopamine rush, I love them. So dangerous on the broken footpaths of Canberra, but fun.

I have a short work trip to Sydney today so had to pack ... of course I carefully took all my black jackets to the drycleaner on Saturday morning because Parliament is on winter break, then realised Sunday afternoon I had to figure out three days of work clothing that would fit into carry on and didn't include any black jackets ... which is harder than you'd think. The cat fell asleep on the lid of the suitcase and stayed until the sun went down two hours later. 

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