Friday, October 1, 2021

Stormy days

Storm season has started early in Australia, and a cracker blew through at 11.30 last night - waking me up and making us all a bit tired and snoozy this morning. I swear one lightning and thunder was directly over the house, lighting up the neighbourhood and making the windows rattle in their frames. Although we do have very crappy windows, when lockdown is over I am going to investigate double glazing, at least for the bedroom.

In the pouring rain on Wednesday afternoon I took number two for his second jab. There were literally thousands of people and a massive queue but they are very efficient and pushed him through in about 45 minutes, which is fine. You're not supposed to take pictures of other people so I have blobbed on their faces. Yesterday he felt a bit off but hopefully will be OK today, and it's good to have him all vaxxed! Especially seeing it's back to school next week, just for the final year students.

He also got accepted into his university accommodation which is very exciting and very real. Not his first pick - which was the massive building, super cheap tiny room, shared bathroom number - but the second pick two bedroom, one bathroom, little kitchenette version in a smaller building (but still 300-odd students! good god). The pictures online look great, and we all read the student handbook with great interest. No bongs, pets, abrasive cleaners or going out on to the balcony EVER. He has to accept by Tuesday, which is months before he finds out if he actually gets into the uni course .... will we get the $1400 deposit back? Who would know.


  1. That's just so exciting. Do you remember Betty driving you all the way down to Wellington in the Gemini just to check out Weir House for herself and finding all the mothers (like Lara's) there doing the same thing?

  2. So will it just be the two of you at home? Oh dear! Empty nesters. I must say, I still don't like it.
