Wednesday, January 3, 2024

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

Hello to 2024!!! Unsurprisingly I have been down the beach after a lovely quiet Christmas (also unsurprisingly) ... number two came up from Melbourne late on Christmas Eve after working that day (retail, such a delight) and number one + girlfriend came over Christmas morning for a lovely day of eating, drinking and a bit of Scrabble. And we re-visited the 2010s Trivial Pursuit which was a disaster for the oldies (again). The weather was dreadful but I had perfected the christmas 2023 signature cocktail (passionfruit mojito, absolutely delicious if I do say so myself) and general good times were had by all.  I got all three of them the traditional christmas rashie (swim top) from Kmart but only number one wore it all day. 

Boxing Day we had brunch with friends and I went down to the beach in the evening to avoid the traffic - absolute disaster because I got caught in a massive storm and had to pull over several times. You could see the lightning spiking down from the sky so I pulled up nice and close (but not touching :)) to a tall car with a caravan. The roads were flooded at several points so chaos on either side - I waited until a smaller car than mine made it through then took the tiny car splashing - not a great idea generally but by that point it was floods to the front and floods to the back so not much choice... worst trip I've ever done.

Then husband and number two and cat came down the next day and we've had a delightful week hanging out. It's been so lovely to have a kid at the beach again! The weather was a bit cold and rainy but we still did a bit of swimming, lots of scrabble, some walking, many episodes of RuPaul's Drag Race (hilarious! who knew?) and much eating and drinking. I wore my excellent christmas present - towel cover up. Practical and pretty and much loved by primary-schoolers and me. 

1 comment:

  1. Happy New Year to you and yours. Your house, with its brick and its wood floors, is so different from ours. We need to be cosy! You look as if your house is in the middle of a jungle, too! So green outside!
