Tuesday, January 9, 2024

Ian Fennelly course

I took advantage of a Black Friday sale and bought a course from Ian Fennelly - superstar urban sketcher - yes, there are such things. I love his shaggy style and random colours but it's too removed from my natural inclinations for me just to do it, so I thought a course was called for. I have done three of the four modules / drawings and it has absolutely been worthwhile - I've learned a lot and some very different ways of doing things.

The first one was a bridge. I don't love this, but I like that he has us working on A3, bigger is easier in some ways. And I was consciously trying to have the colour be more indicative than realistic, which is what gives his stuff a lot of its charm. This was a beginners course and it's scenes around Shrewsbury; I am envious of having picturesque things to go and draw. I am enjoying drawing the little beach houses of my beach town but there isn't much architectural variety and exactly zero interesting streetscapes. 

A street with shops and stuff. 

A half-timbered street with a church at the end and cobbles and other cool things that don't actually exist in Australia. I've really enjoyed this course, lots to think about.

1 comment:

  1. What, these are paintings that you did????? I think they're fantastic!
