Friday, September 23, 2022


Good thing I did yesterday's post a day early to go up automatically - on Wednesday I was totally out for the count with another nasty migraine. I haven't had one for ages now that I'm getting much better at avoiding triggers - onions mostly, but also some chocolate, some chemicals and possibly too much sugar - but something set me off and I had a bad one. Ended up taking codeine which I don't like doing but it is remarkably effective at putting me to sleep! And then like a zombie for the next 24 hours, but that's better than vomiting and pain. I did have a little snooze buddy though. Very helpful.

Thursday was very quiet - a public holiday for the queen. I'm not sure what everyone was meant to do, I went for a walk to get some fresh air and then lay down again :) There was a minute's silence at one point but not sure when and they had to cancel the flypast because the weather was quite bad. So now back at work for a day and then a weekend again. I am quite confused by which day it is, and still a bit dopey, so yeah, all good.

1 comment:

  1. Here with the public holiday declared for September 26 they gave us a long weekend when we had both a fair on the Saturday and a meeting on the Monday with consequent disasters in terms of attendance.
