Friday, April 24, 2020

Sparkle sparkle

Canberra continues to sparkle in late autumn. Blue skies, yellow leaves, green grass. I am spending WAY more time outside than I normally do and it is lovely. We've had the fire on a few times even though it is really only t-shirt weather during the day. But the fire is for our mental health we've decided, temperature is irrelevant. The flames are so pretty.

I had a bit of a reaction to the flu shot so stayed quiet yesterday but went around the lake again today. Luckily I didn't have to write into the paper about what a terrible idea clockwise was because this is Canberra and at least a dozen people got in ahead of me! I knew they would. Most people are suggesting the best solution, which is to have the walkers go clockwise and the runners/cyclists go anticlockwise... that will never happen. Way too complex for the average punter. See how we are focussing on all the big issues? Crowding is not a serious problem though, it is Canberra.

The main challenge at the moment is getting the boys out of the house once a day. My husband has set up a little mini office in the family room which is working well, except it gives him visibility of the boys in the kitchen. "Threesies" is apparently an afternoon meal, involving sausages. Number-two son has been using three pots a time to making something with instant noodles. We wouldn't let him fry the remaining bananas so he walked down to the shop, bought himself more bananas and cooked them; which is (a) enterprising and (b) disgusting.

This is a statue for George V opposite Old Parliament House.  I'd never really looked at it before but I was taking pictures of the trees and skies, and the statue. It's very of its time ... a chunky Art Deco chess knight. And in quilting news, I have been back at the solids with smaller squares this time. It's based on Bonnie Hunter's Carolina Chain (except not on point, which I love the look of but don't like doing) and those 2" squares take FOREVER.

1 comment:

  1. I love your idea of "forever". Two days? I'm doing a cot quilt for our littlest grandchild, Hector (I hate that name, sigh). It's very pastely. You wouldn't like it.
