Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Quiet and pleasant

Another peaceful long weekend passed. I didn't do the list of chores I had planned, the boys slept in until midday, the sun shone and the birds sang. Or squawked, because they're Australian birds and very demanding. Friday night we had Zoom drinks with some friends that was a lovely catch up - not quite the same as in person but much better than nothing. Saturday was ANZAC day; the dawn services were cancelled of course but apparently people were standing at the ends of their driveways at dawn and remembrancing next to the wheelie bins. I did not take part in such nonsense for a variety of reasons (mostly the 'dawn' reason).

Saturday afternoon we met up with other friends for a socially distanced walk at the Jerrabomberra wetlands. It's quite easy to walk and chat while maintaining a two-metre distance, and we all agreed that it was wonderful to be out under a big sky and hear from someone not in your own family for a while.

The wetlands were looking lovely and autumnal, although because it was mid-afternoon we didn't see many birds. And there were thousands of people there enjoying the sunshine, although, again, not exactly crowded.

Sunday morning I went on a fabric hunt for backing fabric; Spotlight had nothing so I stopped in at Ikea on the way home with ALL of Canberra. Luckily you can fit all of Canberra in the average Ikea so I went in, grabbed six metres of the plain cotton and left again without too much physical interaction. And, even more amazingly, without buying anything that I didn't intend to buy!!! An Ikea record.

Monday was a public holiday and another beautiful day so I went for a long two-hour walk over the hill to the trendy shops with cafes (all doing a roaring trade in takeaway to people wearing exercise gear) then around the posh houses to admire the gardens and back home. To a well-deserved lunch and a quiet afternoon sewing. Other than that Scrabble was played, crosswords were done, fires were lit, a lawn was mowed (not by me) and we enjoyed a bit of serenity before this week started. Back to work for me, back to on-line school for number two, back to the home office for my husband and a new list of chores for number one son who is still having a gap year .... more gap than year.

1 comment:

  1. That looks beautiful. You're so different from us - we're not allowed out apart from one walk with members of our household, or for food. Fabric???? Ikea????? Driving????? Lucky you! Still, we're fortunate to have places to go nearby to get fresh air and long views. The old chap and I rub along fine, too, which is a great advantage. I wouldn't like to be all alone for such a long time. But you're lucky to have your boys, who always look very amiable. As are our kids, but crucially they're not here, alas.
