Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Around and around

I'm going round and round on the quilting on the kaleidoscope quilt - quite literally because I am doing it in circles. If you do it small on quilts as a filler it's pebbling, but mine are anywhere from two to four inches across, so more like stones. Or small rocks.

It's quite fun to do and with so many fabrics it doesn't seem to matter if they're not exactly smooth, or round, or if they're joined up in a funny way. You can see the imperfections quite clearly on the back (hello ... mint green dust ruffle!!!).

I am slowly getting my computer back to normal but I cannot for the life of me remember my Skype password and it doesn't want to send me a reminder (it says it has sent a password reset to my email, but it never shows up). I might have to set up a whole new identity, which would be a pain. Other than that, it was the last game of baseball at the weekend for number one son. They didn't make the finals - they started off quite well but lost their mojo after Christmas and didn't quite seem to be able to get the focus together. Never mind, a number of them will play again this grade next year rather than going up to under 16s so it will be a chance to get their eye in again. Maybe.

Mishka will miss going to baseball ... people and grass and birds and other dogs and the occasional being turned upside down and given a full tummy rub. She has no dignity at all that dog.


  1. I'm a sucker for a scrappy quilt. The circle quilting makes it even more homey and inviting.

  2. what a great idea, making circles for the quilting! love it! pebbling, to me, is tedious and very time consuming. those big circles look like they would go a bit quicker.

    mishka looks like she's a happy dog! don't take long for them to become part of the family, does it? :)

  3. Dogs don't do dignity, the cats took it all.
