Sunday, April 28, 2019

A week and a half has sped by

I did not mean to go ten days without blogging! There has just been things happening - nothing out of the ordinary - but things nonetheless, and time has passed. Let's see, I am now on several weeks' leave which is going to be wonderful. My job goes very quiet after Parliament is dissolved, so it's  a good time to take a big chunk of holiday. Except that the week before Easter I was still working, and of course racing around making sure that I had finished everything up and left it all in an acceptable state.

And then Easter itself was back to the National Folk Festival! It was wonderful, again. I went every day, caught up with friends, stayed a bit later a couple of days, and turned up early for the others. This band was very good, although this was Sunday morning and I think they were slightly hungover. Folkies. 

The weather was gorgeous and warm for autumn, except for a big rainstorm that blew in Monday afternoon. The bunting in the trees always lets me know I'm back at the folkie for a happy time. It really was great, and I left the family and my Dad fending for themselves - including number one son who had a seventeenth birthday in there somewhere! How very grown up - he had some friends over for pizza and a movie but it didn't matter that I wasn't there (in fact I don't think I was invited).

Then the second week of school holidays - including Anzac Day which is a public holiday here too - so I took Dad and number one son down to the beach for a couple of days to get a bit of sea air. And get the boy off the computer. He wasn't super happy, but came along, and I think had a good time. He won more yahtzee than either his mother or grandfather so that's got to be good.  And this week it's back to school (them) and work (husband)  and New Zealand (Granddad) .... and I can figure out what boring domestic tasks to start on first with all this time off!


  1. Yahtzee?? U shall Google it. 17 already? Doesn't time fly? My youngest was 17 approximately yesterday and 7 the day before and is now nearly 35. How can that be?
