Unfortunately it has a strange feel - even though it's 80% wool it feels quite plasticky. And odd. And lumpy. And when I did the pull test it came apart far too easily, so no good on a warp. However a bit of strangeness won't stop me weaving with something, so I used leftover pink and grey on the warp and the pink stuff on the weft. It turned out all right.
It's quite solid, and would probably be quite warm to wear.
But that only took two of the eight balls, so I made another one with the badly-dyed cotton (blue, white and purple). I thought if I set the fine cotton very far apart it might be interesting, with less blue and more pink.
That certainly worked - you can hardly tell the warp is blue at all. And it was very quick and easy to weave. But not particularly attractive. It doesn't have much drape.
My Dad left this morning on a six am flight; ten hours ago so he should be home again in a couple of hours. I always swore it was twelve hours from my house to his house no matter how you do it - Canberra to Sydney to Auckland to Tauranga - none of them are long flights but there's always lots of sitting around and waiting. I went in to work for a couple of hours this morning for various things that couldn't be done before I left on leave, then grocery shopping this afternoon (which I HATE, there is something about supermarkets that destroys my will to live), but I did squeeze in some wool dyeing and two loads of washing, so there's that. What excitement will tomorrow bring?