Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Moving house in Melbourne

Last week we went to Melbourne for a few days to help number two child move flats. Number one child came too - so a jolly family adventure wrestling with furniture and traffic. Number two doesn't have an enormous amount of stuff but more than can fit in our car, so we hired a van for the moving day itself. 

The new place is nicer than the old one, in a very cute block of flats built in 1940. It's a bit further out from the city (although still very central), a bit quieter, and with acquaintances rather than friends. All very positive at this stage so I hope it works out! The unpacking happened in record time and the new room is very cosy and warm and even looks out on some trees. 

This is my husband in the old flat, which lasted for 18 months (the landlord wants it back to live in apparently) which is much longer than I ever spent in a share-house. I think my maximum in one place was twelve months, and even then the people I was sharing with changed over completely (twice) in that time. 

We didn't do much in Melbourne other than moving-related activities. There was some light shopping (with stops for coffee in cool laneway cafes, yay Melbourne) and we went went to the Pharaoh exhibition at the NGV. 

Lots of very cool stuff but almost too much - quite overwhelming - and school holidays so very crowded. They also had this strange commissioned music to 'evoke ancient Egypt' which just went 'woooo woooo eeeeeee' at the edge of my hearing the whole time. In the end I snuck out and spent a very happy half hour with a small but impressive couture embroidery exhibition

I had to work on Monday so flew back on Sunday and the others drove back on Monday, including number two for a few days, which is lovely. 

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