Monday, July 29, 2024

Icy blast

There was a brief sniff of spring in the air but it's been blown away by an arctic blast - snow in the hills and sleety winds in Canberra. We went out for a cocktail and dinner like grown-ups on Saturday night, then a decent walk on Sunday. I explored a bit further round the western edges of the lake, which was a mistake because of the westerly winds whipping off the snow and across the lake water for a bit of extra damp. But some bits were pretty.

My husband is diligently going through the boxes in the shed. At the moment it seems to be from various jobs - when you leave you just shove everything in a box and say 'I'll sort that out later' and then put it in the shed ... ready for a time capsule delight a few years (decades!) later. 

One of them had a Woman's Day from March 2002. Why? Neither of us would ever buy this type of magazine. I looked through it but there's nothing in there that means anything, no article on a distant cousin or similar. My best guess is I was eight months pregnant at the time and this was about my mental level, although how it made it to the shed who would know? I had a flick through and a bit of a laugh and chucked it away!

This wasn't in a box but look at this tiny little phone! It wasn't the absolutely first one I ever got but maybe the second ... and it actually took photos. Not sure how, and they weren't very good, but it definitely did. You couldn't send them to anyone, you had to download via cable, but photos nonetheless.

1 comment:

  1. I'm sorry, you can't have spring yet. We've only just started a decent summer.
