Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Busy busy week

It's the last sitting fortnight before the long winter break so work is busy and the mornings are COLD. We've had a couple of minus fives, with thick frost ... it is not getting any easier to leave a warm house with a happy husband. And very happy cat. 

It was a bleak walk on Saturday. I teed up with a friend to go for another walk on Sunday morning but it was drizzling and miserable so we went to the Handmade Markets instead ... much more fun, if not as healthy. I bought some soap and some sourdough. Much better than what these lunatics were doing with their weekend - kayak polo! It was so cold and the wind was whipping across the water in bursts and bringing up freezing (and disgusting) lake water in bursts. Eurgh.

A new Governor-General was sworn in yesterday, which is exciting for some but just means traffic chaos and extra security for us worker bees. Ants. The new GG seems nice, although so did the old one. It was his wife that gave us all the massive ick for her insistence that people SING ridiculous songs at completely inappropriate times. The first time I thought it was a personal vendetta against the particular group I was with but it is documented and certainly the reddit thread is worth a laugh. You have not seen a cringe as massive as a group of fifty public servants with a canape in one hand having to sing 'you are my sunshine' WHILE LOOKING IN EACH OTHERS EYES.  Nuttier than peanut brittle rolled in nuts.