Thursday, June 20, 2024

1970s maternity top

Here is one of the things I sewed on my last beach trip - not exactly a 1970s maternity top but definitely giving that vibe! It is very flowy and wide, and possibly not long enough, but that is easily fixed for next time.

This is a rayon that's been in the drawer for a while - I was thinking a dress originally but it might be a bit much. So a top it is. 

The pin tucks were interesting - they can be quite fiddly, especially around a curved edge. So what this pattern did was have you cut a square for the front, then sew the pin tucks in, then put another pattern piece on it and cut the curved neckline through the sewn tucks. So much easier! The neck is still quite high, I might drop that down an inch or two next time. 

This is the whole outfit with work-appropriate cardigan and lanyard for Pride Month (although I wear it all the time tbh).

The pattern was McCalls 8325, nothing fabulously adventurous but well-written and did what it said on the tin.

And this is the drawing I did with the urban sketchers. I was so worried about running out of time that I cracked on and took even less care than I usually do - so it's a bit rough and ready! But not bad for sitting on the ground. 

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