Saturday, November 11, 2023

The final project

Here is the final project that we did in the portrait course - I made the mistake of going to his website to look at all the other portraits that students did and most of them are amazing! Mine is not.

But, compared to the picture I painted at the start of this little frolic, it is much improved. The skin tones are OK, the shape is a bit weird but clearly a person, and there is some sort of character in the face. Once again, I have veered off towards old, sad and tired, this is the source photo! Poor thing.

I shall keep going with these, although they are an exercise in frustration. I find that it looks absolutely awful until it's 99% done, which is horrible, having to look at what you're doing and getting annoyed because it's not right. Then it comes together (slightly) at the end.

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