Monday, November 7, 2022

First swim

I made it back to the beach and had the first swim of the season! Normally I would be a bit tougher and just swim every month; but the clouds and rain we've been having has made that extremely unattractive ... this weekend was sunny at last. Not exactly warm, but warm enough for me to leap into the water. It was just lovely to splash about again. The water temperature should be bitingly cold at this time of year, but it wasn't, which is probably suspiciously awful climate change. At least everything is looking beautifully green with all the rain.

Here is the beach at twilight. I'm not sure the photo captures it but it was very soft colours, very pretty. Other than the swim I made a top which was a disaster so stopped sewing, pre-washed some of the mountain of fabric I bought in NZ (I went overboard in the fabric shops, oh well), and read some books. 

Most stressfully, there was a snake on the path over the dunes that I use - it was sunning itself on the black plastic stuff - of course this is the path I merrily wander along in bare feet or jandals at the most. I about had a heart attack because even though Australia is RIFE with venomous snakes you don't see them out and about very often. For the rest of the weekend I stomped heavily along the middle of the path with my eyes PEELED.


  1. Oh dear! (I must Google "jandals"...) Pam

  2. Oh, flip flops. I have never owned flip flops. I don't like having dirty feet and anyway, it's not that hot here on the whole. So "jandals" is a portmanteau word from sandals and... ??? Pam
