Friday, November 4, 2022

Back into it

It's been a busy week - I've moved into another job within my same organisation - similar work to what I've done in the past but each area has its own unique quirks! I think I'm going to enjoy these quirks, it is interesting subject matter. But there is a learning curve, and my brain isn't quite as flexible as perhaps it once was. Or maybe it's my personality that's the problem (curmudgeonly).

This is a thing I did before I went to NZ - covered over my fabric shelves with corflute attached to the shelving, and now I'm using it as a display wall. There's a double benefit in that it covers up my fabric which was getting dusty and also sun-faded on the edges, and gives me somewhere to put my pictures! Or my favourite pictures, the crappy ones get put in the cupboard. They are definitely easier to store than quilts.

These are all more Diane Antone tutorials/copies - pen and watercolour. I like the wall, and being able to see what I've done. I still don't think I'm getting any better - I think I understand more about shape and colour, but it's not reflected in the quality of the pictures themselves. And like all these things they look better en masse than individually. 

These birds are ink with gold pen details. My birds are still very peculiar shapes. The flowers are outlined with the dip pen, that gives a wide/narrow element to the lines. And because you can really only draw in one direction with a nib, there's a swoosh to the lines that is quite different to using marker pens. 

These flowers are very simple, and very broad brush (literally), but I like them. 

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