Wednesday, January 5, 2022

A bit different

This course was a bit different - not so much painting as general illustration. It was called "Illustration Techniques to Unlock your Creativity" by Adolfo Serra and it was a heap of fun to be a bit more adventurous with crayons and watercolour pencils. This guy illustrates children's books so we did a few drawings of unusual things like foxes and wolves.

Then techniques with crayons and paint - pick an object and draw as if you were a child he says. Well yes, I can achieve that. 

Pick another object and draw it different ways: with your eyes closed, just using geometric shapes, furry edges, different colours. I do this while watching a movie, I don't think I could sit and draw for just an hour or two, but with something decent to watch it's fun. 

I bought a decent quality paper A4 sketchbook too, for things that aren't very soggy watercolours, and it's nice to have all the drawings in one place. This guy likes to audition lots of different types of characters when he's thinking about to illustrate a book, so said do a double page spread of all the different types of something: realistic, anime, cartoon, old-fashioned, anthropomorphic. Here are bugs.

And kangaroos. Markers, pencils, paints, dots, crayons. I just worked off pictures on the internet (not from life! honestly they would just be a brown blur). I like the super hero one best. 


  1. I like rainbowkanga. Lots of fun. It looks as though you are automatically working your light/dark watercolour techniques into your drawings to get them three dimensional.

  2. These are splendid! Keep it up!

  3. As ever, I'm greatly impressed. Dad's comment sounds very knowledgeable!
