Wednesday, November 3, 2021

More bonkers Domestika

This week's peculiar Domestika course was by a young Argentinian artist of Japanese heritage - Flor Kaneshiro - about "Watercolour Illustration with Japanese influence". Wildly different yet again from all the other things, outlining, minimal use of colour blocking, odd Japanese brush techniques. Absolutely wonderful at suggesting things rather than carefully painting them in, which is totally something you CANNOT LEARN from a ten hour on-line course that cost $14.90. But I carefully do all the exercises anyway, and look at what the artist does, and wish I'd spent my twenties studying art instead of useless shit like law, and console myself by spending another several hundred dollars on art supplies, thanks to my well paying job I got because of my law degree. The Cycle Of Life.

Anyway Flor Kaneshiro does a lot of rather adorable little cat or rabbit people, and has illustrated children's books. I copied her little cat or rabbit people, which was lots of fun, although whenever I tried to put them in a nice watercolour landscape (several careful brushstrokes, hinting at a tree - spoiler alert IT DID NOT HINT AT A TREE) it was so much of a disaster that I'm not even going to show them here. 

The little people look better from a distance, about three inches high. There is another little person upside down at the bottom of my dancer, in case you're wondering about the pink leg there. 

Not sure about the rabbit people.


  1. Impressive but maybe just a teeny bit sinister...?

  2. At least you got it the right way round - imagine if you were a struggling artist with a hankering to be a lawyer. Mind you, I don't think you'd be struggling as an artist, these are cute.

  3. The paintings are just so nice. Can you expand on the genre and do cutesy minimalist kangaroos doing human activities? Going to the beach? Arranging flowers? (To use the other lessons)
    They are calling for entries for the Canberra stamp show but still no idea whether I can get out of here and back in.
