Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Weekend at home

 I'd rather be at the beach, but if I have to spend a weekend at home it's not the end of the world. On Friday a friend had spare tickets to a baroque music concert so I went along - husband NOT interested - and it was amazing. Average age of audience 150 of course but I can see how you would totally get into that sort of thing as you got older. I no longer require a mosh pit at my concerts. The musicians were very talented, the pieces were incredible, we went out for pizza beforehand (husband and number one did come along for that) and a few drinks and a catch up afterwards. Lovely.

I spent most of the weekend wearing my new very comfortable trousers that I made (round the house only, I changed them when I went out). It's rayon from East Coast Fabrics which is an online shop I've recently discovered. I love wearing rayon because it's cool and comfortable and light but it is a CURSE to sew. Slippery. Luckily loose elastic-waisted trousers  are very forgiving.

That tshirt is disgracefully dirty, I had just made banana bread, so the white bits are flour and occasional smears of chocolate icing. Other than cooking I did a bit of patchwork sewing, number one spent the day at friends playing Doom (I do not know what that is), number two went to rehearsals and to buy school supplies, we did a run to the recycling/tip ... fun times. Back to parliament and school this week!


  1. I would love to have been there with the 150-year-olds. I love baroque music. Or indeed, just going anywhere, at the moment.
