Thursday, February 4, 2021

The year has started when the protestors are out

You know that everything is back to normal when the walk up from the carpark involves negotiating several activist groups in front of Parliament. We have a nice large open space especially designated for groups to gather and say their piece. On the far left in the white t-shirts we have a group supporting a guy who walked from Melbourne to Canberra (about 600 km) to raise awareness of veterans I believe. On the right we have a climate action protest of largely elderly folk (very well organised and covid-safe). 

And on the path directly ahead we have four people dressed entirely in red robes, headpieces and gloves, with geisha-white faces and surgical masks, walking at a slow half pace in carefully-spaced single file, holding out their arms and not saying a word. I have tried to find out what that was about but I can't ... and I must admit it's bugging me. Why? WHY???? The police do slow cruises of this area when there are people gathering and the looks on their faces as they drove past was priceless.  

The other thing I did on the weekend was finally clean up one of the bookshelves where we had dumped everything during the kitchen renovations (yes, a year ago, I know, it's disgraceful) and I put back the photo albums where they belong. As I went I took a random photo of one photo from each album to delight you with. First up we have me (rocking a tan and a Lady Di fringe) and my sisters (one older, one younger) in about 1985 when we went to an extended family reunion on my father's mother's side. Pastels rule!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, aren't you all lovely? Two sisters, you lucky thing. I always wanted even one.
