Monday, September 14, 2020

Thought about gardening .... didn't

It would have been a lovely weekend for gardening, but I couldn't be bothered. Luckily my husband got stuck in and did some because it is looking slightly chaotic out there as the weeds outpace the plants. Number two son has had a wave of enthusiasm for growing vegetables (he is putting his tomato seedlings out every morning and bringing them in every night, it's very sweet) but I've really got to be in the mood ... and I wasn't. I was in the mood for throwing things out though, which is good, and I went through a number of cupboards and then took a bootful to the Salvos. Followed by a nice long walk in the late afternoon and champagne with dinner. Actual champagne for once, there was a bottle in the fridge, I think it was a birthday present. 

All looking very lush and flowery.  I pruned the roses a bit late but they seem to be have started sprouting again. Wait until December when it's dead and dessicated. Speaking of dead - the pittosporums had been sadly neglected and were awful and leggy (see to the left of any quilt-on-clothesline shot) so they got the complete cut back. Apparently they will do fine but they look a bit tragic at the moment. We should have been tip pruning them four times a year HAH. 

On Sunday the planned book club reunion was cancelled at the last minute as people were sick, which made me a bit sad, so we went out to lunch instead and both the boys agreed to come! It was more breakfast for them, but still, we were delighted to have them along, and it was good to be out and about. Followed by a nap (instead of gardening) a walk (instead of gardening) and it was cold enough to put the fire on. Not sure how much longer that will be an option....

1 comment:

  1. How lovely to go out with your boys. Enjoy them while you have them!
