Friday, September 11, 2020

The town you left behind

 And finally, here is what the Carolina Chain turned into - scrappy solids. It is a variant of the Bonnie Hunter pattern because I didn't put the squares on point, which I don't enjoy doing, and fiddling around with setting triangles, although I think the finished look is better when the lines go vertical and horizontal rather than diagonal. 

I enjoyed making this and not thinking too much about what colour went where. I tried for a light / dark difference but not sure if I succeeded.

The quilting was fun too - I followed the pattern in a way that avoided as many of the seam joins as possible! It made an interesting secondary pattern so I just continued that into the border and it was easy and looks good, if I do say so myself.

And another Ikea cream doona cover on the back. This quilt is called "The town you left behind" because I think the quilt looks like a country song. Here is quilt with dog.

1 comment:

  1. That's lovely. Even though I'm not normally a lover of orange, your colours do look good together.
