Thursday, February 6, 2020

Blood and gold

Back in October I was making random flying geese from my solids, and this is what it eventually turned into. Random flying geese! In solids! I think it's called Blood and Gold for more UB40 earworms, but I can't be bothered googling to find out.


I am not completely convinced about the quilting, I think something allover that didn't follow the pattern so closely might have been more interesting. But it turned out better in the end than I thought it was going to half way through, so that's something.

To be honest, if you do anything out of solids in a simple block it's going to look good. I took a set of photos with the geese going sideways on a sunny day, and then a set of photos of the geese going up and down, on a cloudy day. I think I like cloudy better.

We have survived the first week back at school and the first parliamentary sitting week. Tired, but hanging in there, and apparently it is meant to rain on the weekend! Can you believe it? Water falling from the sky, incredible. We will wait and see.

1 comment:

  1. We have water falling from the sky at this minute and frankly, you're welcome to some. Not that it's been particularly wet recently here, but we're not in dire need of wetting. I hope you get some and it puts out your fires. And as usual, I worship at your quilty feet.
