Saturday, August 26, 2023

Not happy with these paintings

Still going with acrylic april 2020 but have hit a bad patch - none of these are exactly how I wanted them to turn out! Or indeed how the art sherpa did them. All faults with the student, as we know, but I will try and find the square millimetre I am pleased with, for my own mental health.

Poppy field at sunset. Doesn't look a lot like poppies to my mind - but I am pleased with the sky gradient from yellow to blue. That rings true to me. The rest is garbage.

Terrifying lady in hat. My husband asked if somebody was throwing a flower at her and NO that is her CHEERFUL HAT. You just know that if she tips her hat back and looks at you her eyes will be either blazing fires or the endless dark abyss. Let me see, I'm pleased with the curve of the collarbone on her left shoulder. That is in the right place. 

And UFO about to land on house. That is meant to be a ray of light, hope in the storm, sun breaking through etc. Not alien-abduction-and-rectal-probe. I'm struggling to find anything positive to say about this one but perhaps the clouds in the very top right corner can stay. 

1 comment:

  1. You are your own worst critic, Lynley. Can you seriously say you havent seen paintings for sale that, for lack of a better word, sucked? And your paintings di not suck.
