Wednesday, February 1, 2023

Back into it

School started again this week - we don't have kids at school any more but suddenly there are more cars on the road, more people in at work and a certain sense that the fun is over and it's time to get back to work. Bah. Number two has finished his year in university halls (they do a twelve-month lease) so my husband did a mercy dash down there to help him move his stuff out and give the room a good scrubbing. It's a bit stressful because he's moving into a share house but the person who is meant to be moving out of his room hasn't quite done so yet ... it looks like number two has done everything he's meant to do but other people haven't. Or that's the story we're getting. So he is couch surfing but hopefully not for long... I don't like it much but we can't swoop in and fix this one, just offer removal services and take him out for dinner. 

On the weekend we went and saw the possible retirement house again - on a very scorching summer's day which gives us a good idea of what it would be like to live on the desiccated tundra. Lots of flies. Then on Sunday we met up with friends and took their dog for a walk around the horse paddocks. Lots more flies ... and it was very hot and rainy and humid. Unpleasant walking but lovely to catch up with them. 

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