Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Dyeing wool again

Doing some weaving really made me want to dye up some wool again - it is satisfying and much easier than fabric. Well, not really easier, but it takes less time and is less fuss. So I dug up my skein winder, made some balls into hanks, and dyed and dried them.

Not the most fabulous of colours but yarn is very forgiving, especially when you weave it together with another yarn. You can make unappealing colours look just fine.

After they were dry I wound them back into centre-pull balls. See how boring and blotchy the hank looks on the winder.

But how cool it looks on the ball - this one is on the top left. I would totally buy that in a shop. 

It was a good hobby for this weekend as I was operating in ten minute bursts between getting number two organised for uni. It looks like a lot of stuff but it's not really, just spread out. I'm sure it will fit in his (tiny) room. He's not taking the painting with him, that is just there because, some reason, husband, who knows. 

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