Sunday, June 9, 2019

A dyeing afternoon

I spent a very happy afternoon in the kitchen of a Fellow Yarn Enthusiast dyeing up some wool. She had a starter pack of Ashford wool dyes, which are different to mine, so we did the techniques they suggest and it was fascinating to see the different results. I think the colours are a bit more saturated - I might give them a go for my next dye order. I am still trying to dye pastels but not really with much success - I keep using too much dye. It always looks inadequate so I add more, more, more .... even though I know I shouldn't. I wanted soft rose tones, with a bit of grey - and got this.

No, no, no. I thought if I added just a tinge of rust then it would give the browny undertones I was after.

No, no, no. Now I have orange with my hot pink and weird police uniform blue. My second dye bath was a bit more successful because I went with very restrained blue and green stripes, but it's still not the pastels I was after. The Fellow Enthusiast had more success with a rainbow blend - and done in the microwave! I had put that to one side after a less than stellar attempt with the food dyes, but I might come back to it. Much quicker than boiling on the stove.

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