Friday, August 27, 2010

Broderie perse

I've been pottering about on this broderie perse central medallion for a few weeks now. It's lots of fun to do, if a bit fiddly, but I've reached the stage now where I don't know whether to keep piling on the flowers or stop. Every time I add flowers they don't look right, so I take them off, which may mean that it's got enough going on already.

It's raw edge machine applique - not the fanciest option but suits me. I'm planning to pick up the red of the vase in all the subsequent borders, it will probably be quite over the top with lots of red and cream and the occasional bit of something else and lots of slightly wobbly borders. Yay! Some of the flowers seemed very unlikely when I cut them out but they work together OK, even the blue. It's not super co-ordinated, but I like that in a quilt!

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