Friday, September 29, 2023

Another artist

I did a couple of paintings with Katie Jobling videos that turned out quite well - she is into 'art as therapy' which is nice and soothing! I'm not sure if it took me in any unexpected directions but here is what I did. 

A vivid sunset, and some hydrangeas. She has a cute British accent that is easy to listen to ... this is important! I always end up replaying bits over and over so an accent that isn't good can get very grating indeed at the fifteenth iteration of 'cadmium red light has a warmth that is good for skin tones' while I desperately try to copy whatever it is they are doing on the screen.

1 comment:

  1. I wonder what constitutes a cute British accent to your ears? There are so many accents and some are possibly cuter than others.
