Friday, January 17, 2025

Urban sketchers

I went to the January meet-up of the urban sketchers on Sunday - big turn-out of nearly 30 people, which is a lot for us. There's a short pedestrian street in the middle of town that has just been refurbished so we went there to see what we could see.

Definitely more onlookers and bystanders around than we usually have. All fairly interested and asking questions, which is kind of nice. I cannot imagine a situation where I would be comfortable sitting on my own drawing on a busy street but once you're in a group? No problems at all. 

As usual there were all sorts of different takes on the scene and levels of talent. I wanted to include people because my people are AWFUL so I need the practice ... they look like humans but I clearly need to work on it more. Mostly I wanted to capture how very green the street was, which I did! The two hours just flew by, I didn't go for lunch afterwards this time as I had boxes to pack, but it was a lovely morning. 


  1. They are not "awful" at all--[just in a stage of development]--and they have a certain feel --he looks like he's thinking over certainly do a whole lot better than I at sketching and watercoloring..I tried a sketch of my grand piano and how did that end up?? Well, the title will tell you--it's called "The dancing piano" hahahaha
    hugs and have fun with your group Julierose
