Wednesday, January 8, 2025

So much to do

We had our little break and now it is full on with the cleaning and packing and decluttering and getting stuff done. All of which we should have done ages ago of course ... I forget just how much we have accomplished over the past year when there is still so much to do. I am at the point where I would like to throw out all our belongings and start over, but I realise I might regret that decision in a couple of months. So I will show some of the very brainless painting I am doing - it is basically just doodles to quiet my brain for a bit.

Diane Antone's blobby birds have been popular.

A monochromatic something.

Always flowers if I'm stuck.

An A3 sheet of mini landscapes, this was quite fun and also made me a bit pleased with myself, that I can paint a few different types of scenes. 

I am just working two days a week through January to give me time to do house things and also not bust a foofer valve. January is always very quiet here so I can keep on top of work without too much trouble. The doctor put me on blood pressure pills which should help ... I am blaming work but I should probably blame fatness. Luckily I can do something about both, although work might be easier to discard than the blubber. 


  1. You're amazing - I love your pictures. Ah, decluttering... hmm. I do hope you get to Edinburgh and we can meet up! Don't come in January, though. It's very (unusually) cold at the moment! Brr.

  2. Working 2 days a week sounds ideal - we definitely don't want you busting any foofer valves :-) Good luck with the final push for decluttering
