Monday, January 20, 2025

Sketchbook tour

I bought an expensive (for me) Baohong cotton sketchbook somewhere and it's been sitting on the shelf waiting for an important occasion or for my skills to improve. Which isn't going to happen, so I used it the way the people on Youtube say you're meant to use sketchbooks - to test ideas, develop a theme, practice things and generally just chill. It was great to do and it's all in one spot now so I can flick back through it. The pages are about A5 size so not huge, but enough to do some mucking about. I started with an internet reference photo and did various ideas of leaves.

Played about with white pen on watercolour background for a while (there are half a dozen variants not shown! It was all a bit the same).

Moved on to marigolds, or possibly flowers that look like marigolds. And from there to flowers generally for a bit.

Foray into fruits and vegetables was next.

Many pages were really just mark-making. 

I bought some new Kuretake Gansai Tambe graphite colours in Melbourne so played with them for a bit.

And finished with a fiesta of watercolour washes - creepy trees, looming mist and ghostly figures. With varying degrees of success.


  1. Wow! Your sketch book is really great!!!! I especially like your cosmos. The creepy trees are very eerie/spookie. I really appreciate people that are painters, they are real artists. Have a Great Day!!! Kara

  2. By the way, re a comment on my blog, do you get yours printed? And if so, where? The only companies I've ever seen give you a page per post, and lots of white space - which I couldn't justify.

  3. Thanks for your reply. How annoying. Ah well. Do let me know if you have any joy.
