Tuesday, September 3, 2024


I went down the beach for the weekend and saw an echidna on my walk! Dumpy dumpying along the beach, which is not a sensible place for a wee echidna, especially not an off-leash dog beach. They are so cute in the way they waddle about, and randomly dig; there was a whole heap of people watching and trying to shoo it towards the dunes. But not too close because spiky.

That was absolutely the most exciting thing that happened on the weekend. It was incredibly windy but not as bad as up in Canberra - in fact the whole country - where we have had unseasonably warm weather and gale force winds. Nasty, and a scary sign of the summer to come.

My walk also took me down one of the back streets towards the river ... and into the south coast equivalent of the bayou. It is rather pretty in its own way but I'm not sure I would build a house there. 

This is absolutely swampland - there is standing water underneath that house. God only knows how they got planning permission - you can't drive to the house although there is kind of a raised driveway - you have to park on the road. It just looks like malaria and snake-bite.

The creek is more my style I think.

Here is a picture that should not be on the internet, my chonky fat faboofadahs with a rather spectacular bruise. I was rolling on my art chair when I went over the cord of the hairdryer that I use to dry the watercolour paintings - the chair stopped rolling but I kept travelling into the sharp corner of the closet. A straight line bruise now going all shades of yellow. Nice.

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