Friday, September 27, 2024


Here are some more of our Tasmanian adventures - we spent a couple of days up in Launceston. As ever, we randomly airbnb'd our way around - this time it was in something called 'quirky cottage' which usually means small and damp. It was, but also quite adorable, and very cosy and with probably the best-stocked kitchen I've seen in a rental house for quite some time. 

My expectations of Launceston were low - it is a smallish town with not much going on - but we had a lovely time, despite cold grey windy weather. There's a great art gallery and museum and some nice walks. We went up Cataract Gorge which is a remarkable piece of the landscape. Apparently all the rocks make waterfalls when it rains.

We did the walk in from the bottom which was fine, then after the art gallery and lunch went up to the top section. There's a walk you can do around to another park but the ford was flooded so we couldn't go that way. 

And there was no way I was going the other way. My husband went out to take photos but said it was wobbly once you moved on it! Didn't bother him but I was not going to set foot on it. It is much higher than it looks in this photo.

So instead we went and did a historical buildings walk. Much more my speed.

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