Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Back in the air

We had another flying visit last week, but not for as pleasant a reason, as we went up to Brisbane for a couple of days for my husband's uncle's funeral. It was unexpected, and very sad, because he has always been a person who put family and friends at the centre of his life. So the service was both incredibly upsetting and also quite lovely because of the people who came, and chatted and caught up, knowing that the person who was missing would have absolutely loved it...

After the service my husband and I took a breath and went for fish and chips on the bay - Brisbane is a big city but has all these nooks and crannies that feel almost remote, especially anything by the water. It's a big shallow swampy bay but nice to feel a bit of a sea breeze. It was also really nice to catch up with his family, and he got a birthday cake made by his mum! Even when you're a big grown-up 60 year old that is a very special thing (and the cake was extremely delicious).

We got back late Friday night then had a couple of dozen people over for drinks on Saturday afternoon for the birthday boy. Very chill and very fun to see people again ... many of whom hadn't been to our house since covid, which is a bit shameful. We got out of the habit of socialising and never really picked it up again. 

He didn't want presents or cards so suggested that birthday wishes should be written on a packet of seeds that we can plant in the retirement house! So people brought along their favourite, and he now has a wild collection of all sorts to experiment with in the greenhouse.

1 comment:

  1. Oh gosh, I've been so busy with granddaughter and daughter visiting - am enjoying catching up with your doings, ESPECIALLY those letters. So lovely! I didn't go away to uni so never got any letters at that stage. Indeed I have very few letters from my parents, though they were perfectly literate - but I seldom went far away. Unlike my kids, moan moan.
