Tuesday, August 20, 2024

A different perspective

As part of my husbands birthday extravaganza we went down to the beach for the weekend ... and took a scenic flight! I booked it ages ago as a surprise but we don't really like surprises in our house so I told him the day before :) It is nice to have time to adjust to things. 

We went out from the airfield about ten minutes down the road and had a wonderful half hour low slow cruise in a tiny little plane! The pilot took us over our house at about 500 feet (which is not very high at all) then we went up the coast a bit further, saw all the little beaches we know and love. The one above is the river with the stingrays, and below is the headland where I go for walks and take photos of the ferocious ocean. It didn't look very ferocious from a height.

I have been complaining about how built up and urbanised the area is becoming ... except it is very clearly not. It is mostly bush, with a few little settlements, and lots of trees. 

It was such a lovely day, the water was a beautiful colour and everything was crystal clear. There was a bit of a wind coming from the hills but relatively calm. However 'relatively calm' is enough for me to start to feel decidedly queasy after about 20 minutes. I have had such terrible motion sickness since the chemo, but I always say I can do anything for half an hour ... which is nearly true. I was very pleased to land.

And then I had to stay very horizontal and very still for ten minutes (my husband was outwardly sympathetic but he took this photo which is a bit rude) before we moved on to a delicious long lunch at a fancy restaurant. No photos of that but it was very yum, and all in all a lovely day.

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