Tuesday, June 27, 2023

Do-over weekend

Given that last weekend was de-railed by a bad cold, and it's been a busy two weeks, I took Monday as a holiday for myself and had a long weekend at the beach. The weather was beautiful so I went for several long walks. They've re-done the public wharf (tiny little jetty really) on the river so I took a panorama from the end. It was just beautiful.

And here is a shot from the headland, that I'm sure I've taken before, but you kind of just come across this view unexpectedly and it is always stunning. I walked all the way along that beach and around the headland at the end. It was delightfully warm - happy in t-shirt sleeves - but I wasn't tempted to swim. 

And in more cliff-weirdness news you can possibly just see a bloke with a hydrofoil board knee-deep to the left of the current marker. He scrambled down the cliff (bare feet, wetsuit, large board), picked carefully across the rocks and then painstakingly drifted his board over the river to get somewhere deep enough to foil. Despite there being a perfectly good boat ramp about twenty metres to the left, and a big flat beach on the other side of the river. It looked painful. 

Mostly I had a sewing frenzy, which was extremely enjoyable. I'd been thinking about it for weeks so had a good few projects to do, which I did, with some successes. Our lemon tree is doing well after the big chop but still refuses to fruit. I am not sure if this means it will never fruit again, or if it is sulking, or if there is something wrong with it that we have to fix. It seems healthy enough.....

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