Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Yet more beach

I took a day off and very happily went down for an extended beach weekend. The traffic on a Thursday evening is delightful compared to Friday! And only one speed camera, which is a record. Every trip I see either a police car, or a speed camera, or a random breathalyser, or any combination of those three ... my record is SEVEN police cars with speed cameras, which isn't bad for 130 km of road. And one of the many reasons why I don't bother speeding. I just take my time, singing along to random hits of the 1980s and country music and using unladylike language towards other road users.

The bank that was washed away is starting to re-grow, you can see the green bits. Fascinating process; first a few twigs get washed up, then the very sturdy plants start sprouting, then the plants catch more debris and dirt, so other plants start ... it will take a few years but you can see how it would cycle up and down, assuming we have no more Extreme Weather Events. Look at the colour of that sky, it really was beautiful.

I had a lovely long swim each day. It was sunny but not super warm, but a very good swell and that is enough for me! I caught some waves and ate some sand and got suitably windblown and sunburnt. I also made a dress which turned out OK but was an absolute curse to sew - a very light polyester print that did not want to stay put when I cut it, or pinned it, or sewed it. Nightmare, but it's red and christmassy, so I wanted to finish it.

Number one has finally got a rental application approved so we may be empty nesters before the end of the month!!!! It's a bit of a shock now that it's all happening - I think someone is getting a fish slice and a vacuum cleaner for Christmas. Perhaps in a laundry basket, wrapped up in new towels. Classy.


  1. What about the sandwich press?

  2. It takes a long time to get used to being empty nesters. In fact I'm not reconciled to it yet... I love the stripy shirt.

  3. That was Pam, as you can probably guess.
