Thursday, July 28, 2022

Walking again, finally

I managed a two-hour walk on the weekend (very slowly) after feeling so knocked over by the silly covid for so many weeks. It was lovely to be out! Look at this wonderful blue sky ... after a very cold and foggy morning. I'm glad I left my walk until later in the day.

Parliament started again this week, and a change of government means starting at high speed as a rule. They want to put in place all the things they've been thinking about for the past few years on the opposition benches, which is fine, but a head spin for the support staff. It is nice to have the building full again (covid and all, I'm assuming I am still immune). We got word of a group of illegal protesters inside the front foyer on opening day and police carting them off ... footage reveals NUMBER ONE shouting about the climate, waving a banner (upside down) and being shown off the premises. No arrests were made but my eyes about rolled back in my head. 

I have also been doing a bit of drawing and painting but it's hard with a little helper. She continues to be completely adorable - curled up on my chest for an hour with Netflix yesterday and purred like a champion. Very much at home already.  


  1. Pointy ears - a little bit of Siamese? If you don't like my Italian "Puss in Boots" how about "Bibs"? Give you a bibby to look after like your big sister.
